Sunday, August 6, 2017

White House petition demands moratorium on childhood vaccines… sign it here –

White House petition demands moratorium on childhood vaccines… sign it here

Image: White House petition demands moratorium on childhood vaccines… sign it here

(Natural News)
Late last month, a formal Administrative Procedures Act Petition was filed
with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Centers for Disease
Control (CDC) to establish a five-year moratorium on childhood
vaccinations. The petition was filed by Kent Heckenlively, JD, an
attorney from the state of California whose child was injured by a
vaccination, Rima E. Laibow, MD, Medical Director of the Natural
Solutions Foundation, and Ralph Fucetola, JD, President of the Institute
for Health Research.

“With this formal filing today at joining the petition I filed earlier this month we are establishing
our legal standing to call for the Five Year Childhood Vaccination
Moratorium,” said Heckenlively.

Ralph Fucetola, who has 35 years of experience in law, went on to
explain the reason as to why the petition was filed in the first place.
“Under the APA formal Citizens Petitions to government agencies have
legal standing to begin the process of adopting regulatory changes,
either through the agency directly or by White House Executive order,”
Fucetola said. He continued, “The two petitions submitted by Counsel
Heckenlively together deliver an important message to the Federal
Government regarding uninsurable vaccines that have been determined by
courts to be ‘unavoidably unsafe.’ We demand a moratorium on childhood
vaccines until and unless they are proven safe and effective, as
required by law.”

The official petition on,
which currently has over 6,600 signatures, asks the White House to do
four things: Enact a five year moratorium on vaccines for children below
the age of eighteen, repeal the 1986 National Childhood vaccine injury
Act, perform large scale studies on both vaccinated and unvaccinated
children in order to learn more about the effects of vaccines,
and ban direct pharmaceutical advertising to consumers and only permit
advertising that is directed towards medical professionals.

While there is still an ongoing and rigorous debate in this country
over the potentially harmful effects of vaccinations, what we know to be
true is that there are countless stories out there of young people who
have experienced tremendous amounts of suffering after receiving vaccines. Below are three of those stories.


When she was just six months old, Cerenity was given a total of eight
vaccinations that changed her life forever. Despite the fact that the
vaccines had a history of causing paralysis and brain damage,
Cerenity’s neurologist told her parents that there was still no good
reason to stop the vaccinations altogether. Sadly, Cerenity’s life will
now be filled with more pain and suffering than it would have been had
she never received the vaccines.


After receiving her second MMR vaccine dose, young Holly suffered from severe convulsions and brain damage,
which left her on life support for a short period of time before her
parents tragically made the decision to let their daughter die in peace.
After Holly’s death, her mother Robin was awarded compensation when it
was revealed that the MMR vaccine caused Holly to suffer acute
encephalopathy. With support from New Jersey’s governor, Holly’s Law was
created to help spare the lives of young children who may have the same
fate as Holly did after receiving the MMR vaccine.


Just one month after his first birthday, Michael Eugene Whitesell received six vaccine doses, which included the MMR, varicella, hepatitis A and flu shot vaccines.
Three days after receiving the vaccinations, Michael developed a minor
fever. Although Michael’s parents gave him Tylenol to bring his fever
down, early the next morning, Michael was found lifeless in his crib.
Even after Michael’s dad, Thomas, performed CPR on him, Michael did not
recover. There was nothing anybody could do to bring him back.

The debate over the potential risks of vaccinations will likely
continue for years, but regardless of what the outcome of this
nationwide debate may be, our country should be doing everything it can
to ensure that vaccines are as safe as possible. There is a significant
amount of evidence that leads one to believe that vaccinations may, in
fact, be to blame for numerous injuries and deaths that occur not only
within our own country but also throughout the world. It is time we do
something about it.

White House petition demands moratorium on childhood vaccines… sign it here –

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