Facebook Instructs Its Employees To Attend Anti-Trump Rally In Honor Of International Workers Day May 1
“At Facebook, we’re committed to fostering an inclusive workplace where
employees feel comfortable expressing their opinions and speaking up,” a
spokesman wrote in an emailed statement. “We support our people in
recognizing International Workers’ Day and other efforts to raise
awareness for safe and equitable employment conditions.”
employees feel comfortable expressing their opinions and speaking up,” a
spokesman wrote in an emailed statement. “We support our people in
recognizing International Workers’ Day and other efforts to raise
awareness for safe and equitable employment conditions.”

April 18, 2017
Inc. said it won’t punish employees who take time off to join
pro-immigrant protests on May 1. And, in a nod to security staff,
janitors, shuttle-bus drivers and others who work for Facebook
contractors on campus, the company also said it will investigate if any
of its vendors illegally crack down on their employees’ protest rights.
“AtFacebook, we’re committed to fostering an inclusive workplace where
employees feel comfortable expressing their opinions and speaking up,” a
spokesman wrote in an emailed statement. “We support our people in
recognizing International Workers’ Day and other efforts to raise
awareness for safe and equitable employment conditions.”
notified employees of its policy in a posting on an internal forum April
14. A spokesman said it applies regardless of whether workers notify
the company ahead of time. The Menlo Park, California, company also said
it would re-evaluate its ties to any vendor if it breaks the law that
protects workers’ rights to organize and protect themselves.
The History of International Workers Day:
“It’simportant not just to the engineers and H-1B holders that are
traditionally thought of as the immigrants in tech but also to folks who
are subcontracted but work side-by-side on those campuses,” said
Derecka Mehrens, co-founder of Silicon Valley Rising, a union-backed
coalition. “Immigrants play a critical role in the tech sector — both as
engineers and coders but also in keeping tech campuses running
Fake News Liberal Media CNN Does Story On Facebook Liberal Bias:
Many tech companies have been vocal in their opposition to aspects of Trump’s agenda.
Facebookhas criticized Trump’s immigration moves. At a rally in January at
Google’s headquarters in Mountain View, California, CEO Sundar Pichai
and co-founder Sergey Brin spoke against Trump’s executive order that
closed U.S. borders to people from several majority-Muslim nations. Both
companies, along with Apple Inc., Microsoft Corp. and Intel Corp., are
among more than 120 firms that signed a February court filing opposing
the travel ban.
Activists have been pushing for more. On March 29,
employee delegations spearheaded by Silicon Valley Rising visited 20
tech firms, including Facebook, to ask them to show support for
immigrant workers and to promise that there would be no retaliation
against employees who protested on May 1. They also visited Google sites
in seven cities last week to make the same demand.
Zuckerberg Denies Facebook Has A Liberal Bias:
month’s worker walkouts and rallies, which organizers pledge will draw
massive participation, are among an array of efforts to take on the new
administration using workplace power and pressure on management.
“Ourmembers are pushing us to be part of this resistance in a bolder way
than ever,” said Denise Solis, vice president of United Service Workers
West, a California-based affiliate of the Service Employee International
Union that represents 40,000 janitors, security officers and other
workers. Among the goals, she said, is “sending a message to employers
that this is not the time for them to take advantage of this situation
and act irresponsibly” toward their immigrant workforce.
What Facebook and Google are Hiding from the World:
Thisis a video from a liberal progressive telling you how Facebook and
Google are censoring conservative news. Very informative.
across industries are in a tricky position, said Peter Cappelli, a
management professor who directs the Center for Human Resources at the
University of Pennsylvania’s business school. They’re navigating
conflicting concerns, including the need to compete for liberal
employees and customers, and the desire to secure pro-business policy
changes and lucrative government contracts. CEOs of companies like Uber
Technologies Inc., Walt Disney Co. and IBM joined Trump’s business
advisory council, only to find themselves the targetsof protests,
including from their own staff.
“They are making calculated
economic decisions based on their stakeholders,” said Cappelli, and not
many will opt to aggressively antagonize the president. “For the most
part, they’re going to duck it.” source
Facebook Instructs Its Employees To Attend Anti-Trump Rally In Honor Of International Workers Day May 1 • Now The End Begins
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