Monday, July 27, 2015

Prophecies of the End Time Pt. 7 - Pope's Deadly Wound Healed

Published on Jul 14, 2015
Prophecies of the End Time Playlist ➨

Francis recently released a video in which he called for the union of
Protestants and Catholics, saying that the separation between us is a
wound in the body of Christ. This is reminiscent of Revelation 13, which
talks about a beast that received a deadly wound that was subsequently
healed. That beast is the Papacy. Watch this video to find out how the
Roman Catholic Church ties into Bible prophecy!

Other topics
this video touches on include the Protestant Reformation, blasphemy, the
sword of God's Word (the Bible), the Protestant Reformation, the French
Revolution, Napoleon Bonaparte, capture of Pope Pius VI in 1798, the
signing of the Lateran Concordant, Kenneth Copeland, Rick Warren, the
mark of the beast (Sunday law), end times, and the Jesuit Oath of
Extreme Induction.

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