Monday, June 15, 2015

U.S. Remains On Perilous Shemitah Course

U.S. Remains On Perilous Shemitah Course

“There are three Jews on the Supreme Court (Elana Kagan, Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Stephen Breyer) that voted against saying Jerusalem was a part of Israel because they were afraid of the ‘giants’ in the political arena around the world,” Biltz told WND...

Biltz finds that particularly prescient in light of the fact that this weekend’s Torah reading that will be read in synagogues all over the world just so happens to be “Shelach.”

“This is a very short story about the spies that brought the bad report, making a false judgment call, because they feared the giants in the land,” Biltz said. “God told them Israel was theirs for the taking, and it was a horrible disaster resulting in having to wander for 40 years in the desert.”


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