Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Kuwaiti Cleric Suwaidan: Do Not Agree to Ceasefire until They Bow Before...

Kuwaiti Cleric Suwaidan: "Do Not Agree to Ceasefire until They Bow Before Us, We Must Erase Israel"

Nice dream Suwaidan...many have tried to erase this people, and they are still around.

Yes, do not agree to cease fire until IDF bow their knees to examine whether your brave jihadists, lying in the streets and elsewhere, may still be alive to be helped.

I guess you miss what Hamas said:

Hamas In Gaza Say That The Jew's God 'Changes The Paths Of Our Rockets In Mid-Air' - Now The End Begins

Hamas rocket launchers in Gaza are complaining that "their God changes the path of our rockets in mid-air". That is exactly how the God of the bible operates when His Holy Land is on the line.

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